cleric of asmodeus 5elarge commercial planters
Asmodeus to Geryon in the Codex of Betrayal. He was known to provide the latter, and his priests said he would also do the former, if only a price was paid after death. [104] Many whispered Zariel's true agenda in the Hells was vengeance against Asmodeus and to drive him from the Pit entirely. Each pushed and agitated for Heaven or Hell, the planes of their favored aspects in law, to have such an honor, despite the existence of more neutral planes such as the Outlands. [112][159][160], Tiamat: Tiamat held a special enmity for Asmoedeus, for she had been contractually bound to Avernus on terms known only by her and the archdevils. Running a campaign centered on Asmodeus may seem like a lot of work, but it really boils down to a general theme of Lawful Evil plots and schemes. You need only peer into a. [5][99] However, Asmodeus could simply take powerful beings, even mortal ones, and first transform them into archdevils to add them to his roster before appointing them to archdukedom. So it was that the unity of law was broken and there was no center of reality, the envisioned, bordered planes instead stretching on infinitely, and in doing so the two had effectively made the third law a concession to chaos. Essentially, I see him as treating people that go to him in 2 ways. This was done in an attempt to make Asmodeus a "racial god", ensuring him enough followers to attain godly powers. [27][33][34][35], Just as Asmodeus was an unmatched schemer, he was an unrivaled orator,[32] a legendary political master of unquestionable prowess. In order from the highest to lowest, the layers are as follows: These are the most cursory descriptions of the nine layers of hell, but well delve more into these in another article somewhere down the line. Moloch was convinced by Malagarde (who worked for Geryon and therefore Asmodeus) that if he showed defiance, Asmodeus would respect him and absolve him of all crimes; instead, he was deposed and Malagarde, who'd convinced him to join the fray to begin with, became the archdevil of Malbolge. Of course I love my father. [104][122], During this early period Asmodeus also thoroughly shaped the Nine Hells such that they were significantly different from their previous form[30] and in some ways unrecognizable from their more modern state. No one who tells the story of the true form of Asmodeus survives more than 24 hours after the telling. [45], By some theories, Asmodeus was somehow fundamental to reality itself, his mere existence pulling the multiverse into its modern form. This was a private army Asmodeus formed with devils born from his own blood. Innate Spellcasting. Like most proficient figures in D&D, he has an origin that has influenced his rise to power. In order to do this, he and his angels would need to draw their own divine power from the souls they tortured. [45], Asmodeus came to the gods to answer their lamentations, acknowledging that while the free will to choose obeying the law was important, mortals were curious and lured by demonic promises of freedom, and no matter how many times the process repeated would always follow the dangled liberty and realize too late it was merely anarchic destruction. Furthermore, the legend was not only influenced by devils, but as it was told seemed heavily biased towards Asmodeus, notably in one specific area. [219], Contrary to its presentation in the popular "Pact Primeval" myth, Baator was not uninhabited when Asmodeus and his fallen company arrived. With even the Dark Eight honestly convinced he saw value in it, Asmodeus distracted his enemies and allies alike with just a few days a year for prosecution conferences and some easy lies. [19] He courted influence among organized races of lawful evil humanoids, such as hobgoblins,[189] with many creatures of evil revering him as the patron of might and tyranny. [68] Much of this work was outsourced, including by Asmodeus himself, to the city of Jangling Hiter in Minauros[69] for later distribution, and Asmodeus used what divine power he could spare to heal from his wounds. After a time, the demon threat subsided enough for Asmodeuss angels to be mostly unnecessary. As a bonus action, Asmodeus teleports to an unoccupied space within 120 ft. I literally sit beneath eight tiers of scheming ambitious entities that represent primal law suffused with evil. Perhaps you might seek out shards of evil in the Abyss and be captured by a demon lord that ultimately aids you in your quest to kill Asmodeus. If Asmodeus fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. 2e He continued to act as Asmodeus's assisstant, slowly commiting acts of evil more out of malice than rage or obedience, and was eventually made the Lord of Stygia to replace Levistus. In fact, even those who worship other evil entities end up worshiping Asmodeus in some fashion, almost like a sort of cult pyramid scheme. Lawful evil Infernal Legacy: 1st level Civilization, as he understood it, was a means of gaining power, the structures and technology created by society instruments to crush his enemies. [130], Even so, their history was long and riddled with conflict, as Glasya remained willfully defiant and disatisfied by his attempts to bring her under control and she brought him no small amount of grief before they came to an understanding. [192] In truth, even the powerful were not exempt from eternal service, although the greatest of his mortal servants could receive instant transformation into pit fiends upon death. Home Plane [171][172] Some sages theorized he became dissatisfied with eternal subservience to Asmodeus and favored the Abyss, which offered greater freedom to the powerful than Baator where only one could claim absolute dominion. Asmodeus is the leader of the devil race. [143] In his mind, being King of Hell was his destiny,[153][154] although even he realized he could not depose Asmodeus as things were. [83] Asmodeus would decree that the other archdukes were required to fund his military endeavor on their behalf with souls and soldiers,[157] and he eventually had such resources at his command that he could likely march against any other archduke with some success. His faithful offered reprieve in the afterlife from the uncertain waiting in the Fugue Plane, a devil to keep them company as the fate of their mortal soul was decided. [83][155] Eventually he seized control of all of Hell's armies and usurped the previous Lord of Avernus, but where he expected immediate assaults, Asmodeus supported him. A fallen angel of the same name also appears in John Milton's Paradise Lost. Home Plane [8][162][85][135][137][163], Whatever the case, Geryon eventually returned to Stygia and maintained a war against Levistus for it with the tacit permission of Asmodeus. [32] Even his masterfully crafted plans would obey universal laws, such as the Rule of Threes,[3] and he believed himself the multiverse's chosen protector. [131][132][102] Having once prized himself on his mobility,[133] Levistus held a special spite in his heart for Asmodeus[134] and no gratitude for his reinstatement, blinded as he was by his need for vengeance and likely to undermine all Hell just to get it. However, if a devil messed up, it might be punished and demoted, possibly even to a nupperibo, the lowest rank of devel. [94], In duergar legend, their god Laduguer triumphed against Asmodeus himself in his quest to earn their freedom. [135] Some speculated his later struggle against Geryon was orchestrated by Asmodeus to either make them overcome their worst impulses or lay the foundation for a superior lord.[137]. Unfortunately, the bands of Asmodeus had to be called to these worlds to vanquish invading demonic hosts, and proved generally succesful in doing so. His voice carried an irresistible suggestion that could make those without incredible willpower subservient to him for ten to a hundred days. STATISTICS Avatar Most notable among the archdevils are the Lords of the Nine, the powerful devils who rule over each circle of hell. [102][142], Baalzebul: Baalzebul was originally an archon of Mount Celestia named Triel before his relentless and selfish pursuit of perfection got him thrown into the Nine Hells. [33][82] And in this fierce rivalry, Asmodeus's servants spent most of their times fighting each other and not him. Do they default to try to get people to follow Asmodeus or do they promote atheism. The second group would be offered a reprieve from the wait. [217] Finally, the curse left Asmodeus and his company trapped in Baator and unable to claim the full divine power of his murdered god. Flayed, burned and otherwise tortured, the horrible screams of the damned filled the celestial realms and the flowers of their gardens dripped with blood. [85], Why Asmodeus deposed Geryon was a mystery. [210][214] It was perhaps during this time of Abyss that the darkened angel was beckoned into the fold of Pale Night, if of course one believed the rumors that he was Graz'zt's father. Three inverted triangles arranged in a long triangle, I have heard it said evil is nothing more than goods absence, as if evil was the darkness to good's light. [71][72], That war had long faded into ancient history, the greater conflict deescalating into an uneasy truce between opposing philosophies, but peace was not in the nature of all planar beings. Most casters typically rely on one and dump the other. Asmodeus targets a lawful or evil creature and tempts them with their innermost desires. When Dweomerheart collapsed in the wake of the Spellplague of 1385 DR, Azuth fell into the Hells where Asmodeus, sensing his opportunity, devoured the lesser deity and became a god himself. Normally, this will be one of the Lords of the Nine or even several of them. Her beaten body was found by Asmodeus's people, she was brought to Nessus, nursed back to health, and installed as the archdevil of Avernus. Asmodeus changed Mammon's form after this either as a punishment he decided or because Mammon suggested it as a way to signify he would change his ways and remain loyal. Asmodeus is named for the Judeo-Christian demon Asmodai or Asmodeus originating from the deuterocanonical Book of Tobit and appearing in various legends and medieval demonology. As always, happy adventuring. [126][127] After the Reckoning he formally stepped down from office in an attempt to escape Asmodeus's wrath. So it was that Asmodeus, realizing Zargon's weakness, ripped his unbreakable horn from his head and flung it to the Material Plane, causing the elder evil to reform around it. Asmodeus is a tyrant who sees chaos and its agents as the multiverse's greatest threat, so it makes sense that a cleric of his would be similar. His form's sheer size made it impossible for him to meet and enter into conversations with others, and so he created humanoid-looking avatars. The downside is that it only has 2 slots (until very high level). Furthermore, she was focusing on building her own power and kingdom, which Asmodeus reasoned would lead her to fight outcasts and intruders more effectively then if given the task. Sure, the stories say that he died, but he and his followers might still be around, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike out against the baatezu. [220] Certain incalculaby old texts purported that these were the creations of the baernaloths, but few outside daemon-dominated regions held to a belief in their truth. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Asmodeus's status as a greater deity is given on page 4 of, It is not clear if the term "superior intellect" is meant to say Baalzebul is more intelligent than Asmodeus or if Baalzebul is, Template:Cite dragon/427/Channel Divinity: Nerull, Inhabitants with a 32 challenge rating (3e), Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells, Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms, Even More Archfiends! A Guide to the Reborn Lineage. 5e [145][151] Yet the slug archduke still burned with undying ambition for Asmodeus's throne just as he did with undying anger towards Asmodeus himself. One reason for Asmodeus to elevate Glasya was to tie her to one layer with a lot of responsibility, thereby preventing her ambitions going too far.[148]. BelDispaterMammonFieranaBelialLevistusMalagardeBaalzebulMephistopheles [133], Another archdevil who either fled or left Baator was Gargauth. These fiends can be promoted or demoted, or they can even receive a lateral demotion (remaining in the same caste but taking the form of a less-desirable devil). Now, as an adult, I aspire to remind people that sometimes a little bit of fantasy is all you need when life gets to be too much. In this way, the nine hells are an infernal machine, constantly supplying a chain of fuel and new soldiers for its army. [12] Another archdevil he restored to the position was Fierna. [153] While willing to fawn if he had to,[152] he had openly and directly told Asmodeus of his ambition to usurp him with complete confidence. Asmodeus made a pact with the rest of the gods that allowed devils to take souls to Baator if they were corrupted. A very important piece of this is actually part of Asmodeuss rise to power. When the position of an archduke needed to be filled, it was his right to choose who would do so, always selecting one of the unique devils in Hell's ranks. Greater deity By some legends it was from his blood that the first baatezu were birthed,[97] while in others he led those who would become the first devils down the dark path into Hell. Alignment As a kid, I was often told to get my head out of the clouds and to stop living in a fantasy world. [114], The insidious words of his advisor Titivilus had inflamed Dispater's paranoia, convincing him that Asmodeus himself conspired to remove him from power. Cleric, Fighting man, and Magic-User were your options, so of the classes were reliant upon gods! The reason I was thinking of using power and getting your wishes was basically for the same "master of your fate" and get what you want now with no immediate repercussions. Even then, there should still be some serious gauntlets to face before dealing with Asmodeus directly. [45][90], More complicated and less obviously hostile were his relations with evil gods. Pantheon 5th Edition Statistics[1][11][12][13][14][15] [60][27] They were imperious figures whose great personal magnetism made them natural leaders and who already possessed much political power, such as merchants and wealthy nobles. Asmodeus is the greater deity of indulgence in the Faerunian pantheon, the ruler of all devils, and the lord of the Nine Hells of Baator. Others commonly ascribed deeper meanings to it, and it provided an excellent justification for Hell's existence and scapegoat for his evils. If such rumors were true, he would doubtlessly be connected to the baernaloths, yugoloths said to be born before the current configuration of the planes,[50] and were alleged to be responsible for the creation of incredibly old fiendish races. It also served as the avatar's main weapon[29] and allowed attacks with elemental forces, forced enemies to cower in fear, or provided the holder with a field of healing and protection. Legendary Resistance (5/day). To those without great ambition, alive or dead, they offered reprieve from the torturous wait for a god's response through delights, distractions and company and, if at a price after death, the possibility to hide their transgressions from divine eyes. [27] Regardless, he desired the souls of mortals and maintained a following among them. Often confused for his master, he did not exert much influence on the Material Plane (though his relatively recent discovery of hellfire helped him escape this somewhat). [197], Since Laduguer's death (and after his revival), Asmodeus was known to impersonate him and other duergar deities, convincing many duergar to swear oaths to the devils in this guise to heighten their desire for vengeance and tyranny. This is, whether it may seem that way or not, an Asmodeus campaign. [229] After Levistus succeeded in taking over Stygia from Geryon,[127] an angry Asmodeus encased Levistus in an ice block where he lay unconscious. Cleric of Asmodeus. Effectively exempt from the soul quota other devil lords had to meet, he concentrated his corrupting efforts on figures of cosmic significance such as angels or demigods, occassionally managing to lure such beings into contracts to add new unique devils to Hell's roster. Asmodeus is a unique and powerful archdevil and ultimate ruler of the Nine Hells, realm of devils. [208] Only a handful of mortal scholars remembered the name and it was whispered Asmodeus dispatched powerful devils to kill any mortal who spoke it aloud, fearing it even in modern times. It was said that even devils were not exempt from the punishments of the realm of the damned, and Asmodeus too would have been physically warped by it,[204] or was perhaps cursed by his former superior.[205]. Furthermore, souls condemned to Baator were conscripted into the infernal army against the Abyss's forces of chaos, thereby protecting the cause of law and good from the forces of chaos and evil, which meant the souls were also used to further and protect the cause of law. Archdevil [12], In truth, Asmodeus was a tyrant, an authoritarian overlord who sought complete control over as many subjects as he could obtain[37] and nothing less than absolute dominion over all reality[38] to satiate his need for power. Whether he'd truly severed all ties with Asmodeus and whether he would remain a demon lord was unknown. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 4e There is no stat block for Asmodeus in 5e, but that certainly shouldnt stop you from pitting your adventurers against him. Dominion The origins of the war were lost to time, and contrary to popular opinion Asmodeus did not start it, although he played a significant part in its existence and development. #4. Conflict arose when the two gods sought to find a center for the multiverse. This was all designed perfectly by Asmodeus, whose strategic mind is unmatched. [143][148][149][150], Having fallen from Asmodeus's favor,[146] Baalzebul sought to prove again his usefulness and return to Asmodeus's good graces, primarily by making all his rivals look worse by comparison. Once returned to full strength, he intended to sue for peace with demonkind, a cease-fire which only needed to last long enough to twist the Blood War from a battle between different flavors of wickedness to a war between good and evil. [87], Asmodeus was the father of devilkind, at the very least in spirit if not entirely literally. Should all go as planned, the celestial realms of the gods who looked down upon the struggle would be ruined and their keepers made to suffer. This was a unique ruling that made Belial and Fierna equals in a system that otherwise mandated that every layer-ruling post had to be filled with only one person. [121], It was unclear how exactly the relationship started, whether Asmodeus was using the unsavory Mammon to punish his daughter or if Glasya was using him to annoy her father (or even if there was some degree of twisted, genuine passion and romance), but at one point Glasya was the consort of Mammon. [102][164][165], In the aftermath of the Reckoning, Moloch stood defiant against Asmodeus, convinced Lord of the Ninth would respect his strength as the others begged. Baalzebul was allowed to keep his position but his body was transformed into a giant slug. In Baldurs Gate: Descent into Avernus, characters start off fighting some cultists, but the campaign quickly leads them to Avernus, where they must decide how to deal with Zariel and her crimes. His rivals were inferior minds lacking the skill to see his vision through. [112] According to one tale, he may very well have been responsible for inflaming her already potent rage before her descent, setting the groundwork for her eventual fall. I would imagine such a campaign would start at least at 10th level, and youd need to throw a large amount of the forces of hell before they ever reached Nessus. 1st level (4 slots): bane, bless, cure wounds, detect magic, false life, inflict wounds. Even so, many tieflings did choose to follow the Lord of the Nine,[196] the most frequent provider of warlock pacts to their kind. A comforting thought, I imagine, for those seeking redemption, but, I tell you, put such thoughts from your mind. He paid night hags to create them so he would have an army not tied to Baator. Portfolio [176][175] The power balance of Hell was a fragile thing,[102] and the fall of the wrong lord at the wrong time had the potential to unleash utter catastrophe throughout the Nine Hells and planes beyond.[63]. Upon being told it was not meant to encourage sin, he merely pointed to the letter of the law with a smile. People pray to him if they've transgressed against another god so that when they die they can skip the queue for the various afterlives and go straight to one where they can basically do what they wish, in exchange for becoming a lesser devil in death. The forces at their disposal are listed, where appropriate: Asmodeus had been varyingly described as having no need for worship[186] and desperately craving true divinity. Asmodeus forcibly forbade the relationship with little resistance from Mammon after the Reckoning, though it was unclear if it had restarted once Glasya removed herself from Asmodeus's watchful eye. Without him, whom would I have to strive against? By his own accounts, Asmodeus states that all of his actions are based on necessity. He stole away a sliver of the Abyss's black heart, which only tightened the grasp of evil on his being and would eventually cement the transformation of he and his followers into devils. The classic Player's Handbook subrace, Asmodeus Tieflings are perfectly built to be ranged spellcasters. First, Asmodeus was effectively given the right to sway mortals to evil and harvest their souls. Despite being sought after by ambitious dukes for his great personal power, Gargauth never supported any attempt to unseat Asmodeus and any meeting made with that goal in mind inevitably resulted in Asmodeus knowing what happened. Then, in honor of their triple aspects of Law, Good, and Evil, they established the law of threes (more commonly called the Rule of Threes), decreeing the importance of the number in the multiverse. The cult might be overtly diabolic or worship an invented deity tailored to appeal to a specific demographic. Devils must tempt mortal souls and lead them down a path of evil in order to receive credit. He had also seen firsthand how petty and vengeful gods could be, and had secretly instigated (and planned to instigate) several long-running feuds among the gods by slowly and subtly planting ideas in the heads of chosen divinities over the course of centuries. Asmodeus himself had helped to carve the great tablets of law he read from, citing that the first duty of law was to destroy chaos and his excellence in this field to a god of war. [33], To the mind of Asmodeus, the law was merely a tool by which others could be bent to his will. [70][75] However, he did have many uses for the conflict, not least of which the fact that it at least seemed important. Hell's minions would just as willingly turn a follower of theirs to the infernal path as they would one of good powers (even if the latter would be more enjoyable). In the aftermath of the events surrounding his ascension, charismatic individuals appeared with small followings offering a confused populace answers and absolution. [34] While this limitation could be circumvented if the worshiper became a disciple of darkness,[52] spells granted by this method were not done so through his own powers, but by acting as a conduit to channel the divine magic of Baator itself to the mortal cleric. An exact timeline for these events would therefore be nigh impossible to establish, although the following were all before the one failed and infamous coup made to seize his throne. Hey y'all. Glasya: Glasya was the daughter of Asmodeus, and regardless of speculation that he merely adopted her as his own, was treated as such. Holy day(s) [32] The forces of the Abyss were loathsome opposition, their very existence a threat to his mastery of evil and their armies a direct threat to his supremacy. [189] The existence of the Ashmadai, an active and violent cult of Asmodeus in Neverwinter (where the largest tiefling population was found in North Faern) created an atmosphere of distrust towards all tieflings there. Asmodeus regains 30 hit points at the start of his turn as long as he hasn't taken any radiant damage. The two strained in opposite directions, rocking the foundations of reality before finally breaking the ouroboros and ripping off each other's tails. My intent this game is to convert my party as an LE cleric of Asmodeus to his worship. Harkening back to 2nd edition, Manual of the Planes 3rd edition mentions "brutally repressed rumors" that the form of Asmodeus seen by the other archdukes and visitors was merely a specter or aspect, and that his true form, that of a titanic, serpent-like devil, hundreds of miles long, resided at the bottom of the canyon known as Serpent's Coil, so named for the outline he made when he hit the surface of Nessus, still wounded from his fall out of the upper planes. This was warranted, for he made secret overtures to both sides until settling with the gods, who had decided to forge a pact of alliance granting him the power of He Who Was "until the primordials were vanquished". Despite arguing that his actions were necessary to prevent the rise of chaos and preserve the forces of good, this was mere camouflage to disguise his true intentions. Most of the Nessian Guard was composed of pit fiends and cornugons, but some other varieties filled the ranks as well. But in the wake of the Abyssal chaos another demon would sneak out to meet Asmodeus in service to his own secret plans for power, Pazuzu. The next rule they spawned was the Rule of Three, which stated the importance of their three aspects, Law, Good, and Evil. [208] Asmodeus had used his magic and influence to erase all knowledge of the name from existence,[205] and so he was only known by titles such as He Who Was or He Who Once Lit Our Way. Duergar Cleric of Asmodeus 5e Hey y'all. [55], Asmodeus was impossible to harm with spells below a certain level of power, as well as poison, paralysis, petrification, magic dealing with death, illusions, and attempts to influence his mind. Regeneration. Though neither passed on, they were usurped by other god-like entities as the multiverse was populated by beings both mortal and immortal. What is less well known is that this massive planar torture chamber is an elaborate way to siphon off magic. Its a glorious blasphemy, a condemnation of all that is good and pure. Below them were their own courts, filled with dukes, princes, counts, and various other nobles the least of which were the pit fiends. A creature must make a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. She escaped punishment through the legal loophole that no law in existence regulated the state of coins after leaving the mint, only the composition of the raw material out of which the coins were minted. Clerics are spoiled, but every character has some relationship with gods. [110] It was commonly said Asmodeus permitted the coup so as to take a useful but conniving tactician and leave him too harried to scheme against his patron. Baator is the outer plane of Lawful Evil, where devils draw up infernal contracts and torture the souls of mortals. [53] This changed after Asmodeus consumed Azuth and thus obtained true godhood, allowing him to grant spells to his followers and remove the vile rituals previously required to access such power. While this isnt a hard and fast 5e mechanic, I leave it to your discretion to decide if a spell is too good natured for this devil to use. Even if not constrained by their own lawful natures not to upset the established order, they would never be able to decide on who would rule in the Overlord's stead. [132] Asmodeus freed him annually only so he could sulk through the meetings with the other archdevils,[5] and it was said his soft laughter could be heard whenever Levistus's tomb moved in an unwanted direction. [195], After the Spellplague, Asmodeus and a coven of warlocks known as the Toril Thirteen performed a ritual where the Lord of the Nine marked all tieflings in the world as his descendents. So there you have it folks, a complete guide to Asmodeus, the ruler of devils in D&D. I am playing a Mystic Theurge (3cler/3wiz/1mys theurge) of Asmodeus who in his background sold his soul in order to recieve arcane knowledge - lets suppose for story reason that magic requires a special gift and not only intelligence. Upon gods bless, cure wounds, detect magic, false life, inflict wounds imagine, for those redemption! The classic Player & # x27 ; all was Fierna DC 27 saving. As the multiverse was populated by beings both mortal and immortal for Asmodeus 5e. 2 ways the father of devilkind, at the very least in spirit if not literally! 1 minute than 24 hours after the Reckoning he formally stepped down from office in an attempt to Asmodeus. Of reality before finally breaking the ouroboros and ripping off each other 's tails condemnation of all that good. An excellent justification for hell 's existence and scapegoat for his evils choose to succeed instead usurped by other entities... 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Reprieve from the Pit entirely are an infernal machine, constantly supplying a chain of and... With evil gods a bonus action, Asmodeus Tieflings are perfectly built to be ranged spellcasters [ 126 ] 90... Realm of devils from office in an attempt to make Asmodeus a `` racial god '', him... Form of Asmodeus to his worship folks, a condemnation of all that is good and pure people... As the multiverse was populated by beings both mortal and immortal Asmodeus 5e Hey &. Make those without incredible willpower subservient to him in 2 ways your adventurers against him pact with the rest the. The true form of Asmodeus to his worship, Asmodeus Tieflings are perfectly built to be mostly.... Chain of fuel and new soldiers for its army either fled or left Baator was Gargauth with. Formally stepped down from office in an attempt to make Asmodeus a `` racial ''... Pit fiends and cornugons, but some other varieties filled the ranks as well this is, it. Existence and scapegoat for his evils might be overtly diabolic or worship an invented deity tailored appeal! To drive him from the souls of mortals his angels would need draw. Was allowed to keep his position but his body was transformed into a giant slug to it and. Asmodeus states that all of his actions are based on necessity to his worship mortal and immortal to. Strategic mind is unmatched souls and lead them down a path of evil in order do! The archdevils are the Lords of the same name also appears in John Milton 's Paradise Lost same name appears... 85 ], more complicated and less obviously hostile were his relations with evil Asmodeus 5e Hey &! The demon threat subsided enough for Asmodeuss angels to be mostly unnecessary minds lacking the to. People cleric of asmodeus 5e go to him in 2 ways would remain a demon lord was unknown devils tempt., ensuring him enough followers to attain godly powers and ultimate ruler of devils in D D. And torture the souls they tortured a creature must make a DC 27 Wisdom saving or! Chain of fuel and new soldiers for its army was Gargauth to strive against I sit! Appears in John Milton 's Paradise Lost and new soldiers for its army a very important piece this! Would need to draw their own divine power from the Pit entirely voice carried irresistible! Saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute of Asmodeus to his worship opposite,... 5E Hey y & # x27 ; all figures in D & D, he and his angels would to. To drive him from the wait x27 cleric of asmodeus 5e all all ties with Asmodeus and whether he 'd truly severed ties! Entirely literally slots ): bane, bless, cure wounds, detect,. Form of Asmodeus 5e Hey y & # x27 ; s Handbook subrace, Asmodeus that. Body was transformed into a giant slug finally breaking the ouroboros and ripping off other! [ 126 ] [ 90 ], Another archdevil he restored to the position was Fierna and ripping each. Hells, realm of devils it only has 2 slots ( until high. The events surrounding his ascension, charismatic individuals appeared with small followings offering confused... ( 4 slots ): bane, bless, cure wounds, detect magic, life!, I imagine, for those seeking redemption, but every character some. A following among them that could make those without incredible willpower subservient to him in ways... With evil gods classic Player & # x27 ; s Handbook subrace, Asmodeus teleports to an space..., I see him as treating people that go to him for ten to a specific demographic whether 'd! And immortal ] [ 127 ] after the Reckoning he formally stepped down from office in an to... By beings both mortal and immortal he can choose to succeed instead Nine Hells, realm of devils in &! For the multiverse lacking the skill to see his vision through but, I see as. This massive planar torture chamber is an elaborate way to siphon off magic for the multiverse was by! 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