[19], Amidala continued her plans to reach out to their counterparts in the sector and would later call a meeting with the governor and several advisors to announce her plans to host a summit at the Royal Palace. In the waning months of the pan-galactic conflict, Amidala revealed to her husband that she was pregnant. [35], When Skywalker and his troops came to rescue her, Vindi threatened to kill Amidala and Binks. [19], The next day, Amidala learned that the glitter would not come off of her hands. As the trio stepped off the ship, Padm warned her handmaidens to be ready for anything. With Sab in the queen's place and Amidala posing as "Padm," who was officially listed as another page, the group traveled to the Queen's library to test their disguise. [57], In the meantime, Amidala's husband, Anakin Skywalker had been captured by Duke Solha, a fellow politician that Amidala had met while the former was in the Republic. She was also horrified to learn about Anakins massacre of the Tusken Raiders and the fact that Padm still married him despite knowing about it. Ignorant of Bane's plans, the two droids returned to their masters with the jogan fruit. As her ship set down in the hangar bay, Amidala rigged it to blow in the hopes that it might take Grievous with it. When they were released and attacked, Jedi Master Mace Windu arrived and the Jedi revealed themselves, only for Dooku to respond by unleashing the Geonosian droid army. She was a million miles away from him when she died. Amidala would tour the agricultural province, accompanied by Governor Bibble, her agricultural advisor Graf Zapalo, and her economic advisor Horace Vancil. [8] Obi-Wan Kenobi described her as fearless and stubborn, and a leader. The nexu attacked Amidala, roaring and climbing the pillar she was on. [26], Amidala and Anakin sharing an intimate moment on board the Malevolence, Anakin also showed extreme jealousy when Amidala went undercover to investigate Rush Clovis, who had also harbored romantic feelings for Amidala. The artifact had at some point been hidden below the location where Fortress Vader now resided. Resulting in the explosive force doing more than merely collapsing the mine's tunnels. Amidala was present when Sing and Shahan Alama delivered an unconscious Skywalker to the lobby. [19], Being blockaded made Amidala tense and fretful. After the Chiss and the senator left, the Jedi began to wander across the factory, and found a section of the factory that produced cortosis B2 super battle droids, which was guarded by the duke and his relatives and some droid sentries. Subsequently Amidala said she that she hoped that their sacrifice would help bring peace to the galaxy, a sentiment agreed to by Tano. In preparation for her public appearance before the Republic Senate, she met with Senator Palpatine, who represented the Naboo system in that governing body. Following a struggle, Skywalker rescued them. WebWere together, now, Padm wanted to say. [26], Sab was greatly upset when she learned of Amidalas secret marriage to Anakin Skywalker, who secretly scared Sab, and was angered that her friend hadn't told her. [61], After Dooku's former Sith apprentice Asajj Ventress was formally pardoned of her crimes after helping to rescue Master Quinlan Vos from Dooku, Anakin Skywalker discussed details about their involvement in the Jedi Council's mission to assassinate Count Dooku. While on Naboo, Skywalker started experiencing Force visions of his mother in danger. [57], Amidala encountered the duke, who wore clone trooper armor covered with cortosis, who protected him from his husband's lightsaber, he then told her that by using the factory he was going to build his name in the Confederacy. Born in 46 BBY during the Age of the Republic, Padm Naberrie was raised by her parents, Ruwee Naberrie and his wife Jobal, on the peaceful Mid Rim world of Naboo. Amidala feared a reprisal, and asked Ahsoka Tano to protect him. The Jedi freed the queen and her entourage from the clutches of the Federation's battle droids, and the group fled the blockaded Naboo aboard Queen Amidala's royal starship. She soon summoned Sab and Tonra back to Coruscant, asking them to look into the Trade Federation's attempt against her life and reputation, and in the meantime joined the faction spearheaded by Bail Organa and Mon Mothma, two of the most pacifistic members of the Senate known for opposing Palpatine, something that would help Padm step out of the Chancellor's shadow. While being attacked by droidekas, Amidala's biohazard suit was breached and she became infected with the virus. Before Leia and Queen Daln left Panaka's chalet, Panaka told Leia he would speak to Emperor Palpatine about her saying that he should know that the Organas 'adopted a daughter of such distinction'. Bonteri's guidance and advice was the first helpful presence Padm felt since arriving on Coruscant, and quickly considered Bonteri a friend and mentor. Skywalker was torn over the desire to rescue his master yet also protect the senator, but Amidala decided to help Skywalker by traveling to Geonosis, forcing Skywalker to accompany her. She also requested that Sab and Tonra go to Tatooine and look into ending slavery there, as well as find and free Shmi Skywalker. With the consent of Skywalker, Tano traveled to Pantora with Senator Riyo Chuchi and succeeded in rescuing the girls and exposing the Trade Federation's links to the Separatists. However, by the end of the Invasion of Naboo, Amidala reciprocated Anakin's friendship; she helped him to cope with leaving his mother Shmi behind on Tatooine while Skywalker gave her a japor snippet so she could have good fortune. Padme dies in Star Wars episode III: Revenge of the Sith of a broken heart caused by Anakins betrayal joining the dark side and is said to have lost her will to live, As a result, Amidala's diplomatic efforts to end the Clone Wars came to naught. Amidala represents Ahsoka Tano in her trial. She waved to it, with the hopes that it was someone who'd let her in. Food surpluses recovered by the end of Amidala's term. That evening, Amidala met with Kenobi and Skywalker in her penthouse apartment. Because Organa only knew Amidala from the things she owned and the stories told to her by people who had known her, the gowns meant a lot to her, and she stored them in a safe location. Mina Bonteri (mentor)[13] [76] Amidala eventually appeared onscreen for the first time in the 1999 film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, played by actress Natalie Portman. Soon after, the Separatists launched an invasion of Scipio. [16] The queen ventured with her companions into the spaceport of Mos Espa, which Qui-Gon Jinn described as a haven for "those who do not wish to be found." During the court proceedings, she argued that if Tano had really been the culprit, she would not have left a lot of incriminating material behind nor have committed the murder of Turmond in a way that would so easily implicate her. Amidala lit a stick of incense for Master Qui-Gon yearly. The few remaining battle droids then started slicing the exits, hoping to release the virus into Naboo's atmosphere. Padm was so beloved as a queen that her people wanted to extend the two-term limit. Shortly before Luke and Leia were born, the medical droid said Padm was physically healthy, but had lost the will to live. However, Amidala declined this and stepped aside for her elected successor, Rillata, though Amidala privately supported Jamillia in the election. [19], The next day, Amidala met Panaka's first recruit, Tsabin. She and C-3PO then escaped from General Grievous into the bowels of the Malevolence. I am more powerful than the chancellor I can overthrow him, and then you and I can rule the galaxy make things we wont them to be. Physical description [5], After seeing what her husband had become, Amidala lost the will to live and died after giving birth to their children, with her finals words to Obi-Wan being her belief that there was still good in Anakin. Palpatine offered to send Senators Bail Organa and Padm Amidala but Julia instead insisted the help of Representative Binks. After hearing word of a Jedi being nearby, Amidala managed to outsmart the battle droids and escape her cell. When Skywalker arrived at her apartment unharmed, he informed her that the Jedi had become traitors but that his loyalties stayed with the chancellor. After the battle, they were later secretly married. Padm rushed over to him, lamenting that she hadn't shown up earlier. [23] Finally, a huge parade was held in the Naboo capital to celebrate the official unification of the humans and Gungans. [10] At the same age, she started a two-year mandate as supervisor of Theed, the capital city of Naboo.[3]. She would say it as soon as she reached her. Obi-Wan sat quietly on the seat opposite the boys until hed finished crying. This divide caused a rift between Amidala and Panaka, a rift that would never heal. Before he died, he asked her to prove that he wasn't wrong about the Republic. She looked very similar to Amidala and Panaka noted that she could also be a body double. [8] Catherine Taber voiced Amidala in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and subsequent TV series. [87] As recognized by Ahsoka Tano, Amidala was always thinking like a politician, focusing on gathering information and using her strengths to her advantage. They learned that the ore was mined in the river next to the factory and strengthened the battle droids' armor making them invulnerable, something that could change the Clone Wars forever. [45], At a subsequent toast, Farr suddenly died. Amidala later attended a conference on the planet Alderaan that had been convened by Senator Bail Organa to address the plight of wartime refugees. Tsabin stayed in the room with her as her only security. The nexu came back, and Amidala nearly fell, but used her chains to swing at the nexu and kick it off. Amidala also managed to steal a hologram disc. Amidala swiftly ordered Panaka to ready the Security Force to figure out what Gunray's angle was. [3], After their first week together, the handmaidens practiced with Sab as the queen. Vader then paused the duel in its tracks, holding the smuggler in a choke hold. and yet another question at the end of the movie Yoda tells Obi that he can teach him a way to communicate with Qui gon, his old master. [14], Amidala was later present when Ahsoka Tano informed her master, Anakin Skywalker, that the newly elected Chairman of Pantora Baron Papanoida's daughters Chi Eekway and Che Amanwe had been kidnapped. When Skywalker came back into her life, Amidala knew that their future together would endanger their lives. She then contacted Skywalker and arranged for him to meet her in her quarters. Before she could reveal the plot behind the assassination attempts on Amidala, Wesell was killed by Jango Fett using a Kamino dart. After Ahsoka Tano was expelled from the Jedi Order for her alleged role in a bombing and the subsequent murder of Letta Turmond, Padm Amidala agreed to defend the former Padawan during her trial before the Senate. The kidnapping had coincided with a Trade Federation blockade of Pantora under the pretext that the planet had outstanding debts to pay. Upon being contacted by his master, he was asked whether he had found what he was looking for. Early concept arts for The Phantom Menace referring to Padm as "Padma",[96] an Indian given name originating from the Sanskrit word for "lotus flower". Padm reveals her pregnancy to Anakin shortly after the Battle of Coruscant. Skywalker had formed an uneasy alliance with Chiss[57] Senior Captain[58] Mitth'raw'nuruodo, or Thrawn. After Clovis forced Dod at gunpoint to hand over the antidote, the three fled. In the immediate aftermath of the invasion, Amidala paid her respects to Jinn at his ritual cremation in Theed's Funeral Temple. Padm explained that even though she was a politician, she was not there for her own personal gain. Additionally, Master Qui-Gon Jinn was killed during his duel with the Sith Lord Darth Maul. [55] However, Tano refused an offer to rejoin the Jedi Order and sought to discover a new path for herself. [21], At age twelve, Naberrie participated in the Legislative Youth Program, in which she met a slightly older boy named Palo Jemabie. Light[8] Palps saves Anakin but tells him Padme fell in the lava and died. [75] Decades after Amidala's death, Leia Organa remembered an impression she had of her mother as being very beautiful, kind, but sad. Right before Padme was about to deliver two children the medic said She is perfectly healthy but we're losing her for reasons we can't explain. Skywalker fought several B2s and discovered that their armor disabled lightsabers and deflected blaster bolts. Amidala watched helplessly as pilots from the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps were killed in their futile attempt to prevent the landing craft from deploying their droid army. Having escaped Dod, Skywalker injected the antidote into Amidala. The concept wasn't used in the final cut despite George Lucas' enthusiasm over the idea.[95]. Not long after her coronation, Rillata asked Amidala to serve as the representative for Naboo and the other worlds in the Chommell sector in the Galactic Senate, a request that Amidala ultimately accepted. After the birth of the Empire, Amidala was visited by Obi-Wan Kenobi who revealed to her that Skywalker had turned to the dark side and that he needed her help in stopping him. Having once again assumed the identity of a handmaiden, the queen journeyed through the swamps of Naboo with her party. The heavily pregnant Amidala lies unconscious after being choked by Vader. [2] She was the younger daughter of Ruwee and Jobal Naberrie[15] and the sister of Sola Naberrie. He returned to the homestead to bury his mother. Under the impression that his wife had turned against him and brought the Jedi to kill him, Vader seized her with the Force and began to choke her. On one occasion, he damaged the seat beside Amidala's seat to prevent Clovis from sitting next to her. She suggested that they shouldn't see each other for a while before leaving. [56], Later, Amidala received a message from one of her former handmaiden, Duja, from Batuu, a world at the edge of the Outer Rim near the Unknown Regions. However, Jinn and his apprentice Kenobi had met the Gungans at the beginning of the invasion, and the natives had expressed their lack of interest for the fate of the Naboo humans. [86] Amidala could be seen as fearless when she refused additional security to protect herself from assassins. The two then began to duel as the Bright Star's energies coalesced, finally causing a bluish projection of Amidala in full-bodied form to appear. Later, Skywalker confessed to Amidala his despair and anger and what he had done, and she attempted to comfort him. Clovis, in turn, believed that Amidala wanted to resurrect their relationship and brought her to a Separatist meeting. Tarmin informed her that Grand Minister Stin was waiting for her when the assassin shot him. Utilizing the Force, the Engine was destroyed and the energies of the Bright Star began to begin the slow process of restoring the planet to its former state. [13], Subsequently, Kaminoan senator Halle Burtoni proposed a bill for the creation of five million more clone troopers. [73], Nineteen years after her death, her children met for the first time during the Galactic Civil War aboard the Death Star where Leia was held captive by the Empire and had been tortured by Vader. Opponents to the bill were dissuaded to vote by threats, while she, Farr and Organa were attacked by the bounty hunters Robonino and Chata Hyoki. He then left for the planet Mustafar to put an end to the leaders of the Separatist Alliance. Instead, she headed to the door and asked the shadow (who was a native Clabronian) to let them in. She devoted herself to public service,[20] joining the Apprentice Legislature at the tender age of eight, and she eventually became a junior senatorial adviser. This was a petition from senators who opposed Palpatine, calling for him to renounce his emergency powers and end the war against the Separatists; although many of the signatories were killed or arrested, others became key to the Rebellion. [8], Amidala preparing to speak in front of the Senate, Once the group arrived on Coruscant, Amidala resumed her role as queen. This could mean: No Jedi will teach him but he can learn the information himself Someone from outside the Jedi Order meddling with the dark side but not neccesarily evil or sith Only Dark side masters (the Sith) can teach him He then left, but later followed Amidala into her starship as she left Coruscant for Mustafar to meet Skywalker. 5 Lindy White Loves all things Middle Earth, Star Wars, and Marvel Author has 303 answers and 1.5M answer views 2 y So that Palpatine and the Empire do not know she gave birth to Luke and Leia. The Jedi and a squad of clones were then able to captured Vindi for trial. The Jedi decided to send an assault team, while Skywalker was ordered to stay with Amidala. Anakin also voiced his concerns that the Jedi had not informed the Supreme Chancellor about the operation. While Skywalker and R2-D2 stayed on the ship to await further instructions, Amidala spied on Clovis, Dod, and the Geonosian Archduke Poggle the Lesser, who were meeting in the garden. It's like "dude, you told me she died before giving birth. While she wished to plead for the Senate to rescue her homeworld, Palpatine informed her that the assembly was too corrupt to care about their situation. [10] With Skywalker able to remain on Naboo[28] for a few short days[29] to recover from his injuries sustained on Geonosis, the couple were able to enjoy a honeymoon and a time after it together before needing to return to the jobs[28] that would take them across a wartorn galaxy. Naberrie was very fond of the Rodian, whom she referred to as "Uncle Ono. The smuggler was later found to be the descendant of Lady Corvax, the ancient ruler of Mustafar whose actions in attempting to bring her dead husband to life instead caused the Bright Star to be unleashed upon the planet. [35], After following a tainted water stream, Amidala and Binks came across a hatch which they proved unable to open. After analyzing the proposed treaty, Amidala realized that the treaty was not even a serious attempt and was simply a document that signed away Naboo to Trade Federation control for nothing in return,[19] simply legitimizing the invasion in the eyes of the Republic. While the police captain initially denied that any criminal activity occurred in his jurisdiction, he changed his mind when he visited the dock warehouse where the tea was stored and saw the operation himself. Amidala was discovered and captured by Ziro's droids and was promised to Dooku as his prisoner. [19] She adopted Amidala as her regnal name. [59], In the final days of the Clone Wars, Amidala revealed that she was pregnant with Anakin's child, with her making plans to return home to Naboo to fix up a room for the baby so that it could be born there. Click the dropdown below to see the full list. When R2-D2's response sounded like an agreement, she promised it would become one of their future policies. It led to her losing the will to live, after which she passed away. Amidala refused though, and Kenobi correctly identified Skywalker as the father of the baby she was carrying. [8] Before the Jedi funeral began, she knelt beside Kenobi when he was alone with his master's body and asked him if he was ready, then gave him more time as he requested. [88] When Anakin saw the two in Amidala's apartment, he mistakenly believed that Amidala was going to kiss Clovis and brutally attacked him. [59], Sometime later, Amidala was present in the Galactic Senate when Queen Julia of Bardotta contacted Chancellor Palpatine and requested assistance from the Senate regarding the disappearance of several Dagoyan Masters. When all of the girls, save for Sach, expressed their interest in going, they formed a plan. When Palpatine refused, Bane retaliated by locking down the entire building and severing all communications with the outside world. Captain Panaka publicly opposed the addition of an ion pulse and advocated for firmer measures and increased defense. During his meeting with Leia and Queen Daln Panaka asked Leia questions about her adoption and her birth parents. While Skywalker went with her to continue protecting her, Kenobi continued the investigation into the assassination attempts. At the time when Padme was 6, she was sent to a Jedi Academy as she became part of the Jedi Order with her other older brother, Ren. He and Amidala then broke into the senator's cabin and discovered a hole cut into the floor. Amidala was injured while attending the conference on Alderaan. [73], However Panaka was unable to tell Palpatine about Leia as shortly after Leia and Daln left Panaka was assassinated by Saw Gerrera's Partisans. Palo Jemabie created a poster for Amidala's coronation. Although the senator asked to stay on Coruscant until the end of the elective process, Amidala decided to return to Naboo, intent on retaking her world without the Senate's help.[8]. Initially, the decoy queen Sab tried to negotiate with Boss Nass, leader of the Gungans, but to little avail. Padme simply died after giving birth to her children. After helping a Logistics droid named D3-O9, Amidala and Skywalker observed Tri'vak as he hurriedly returned to his cabin. deus ex: human revolution praxis kits locations, brick oven pizza food truck,
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