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Vietnam War Records Commercial Sources Archives Unbound (Gale) Digital collections for historical documents in the areas of: PsyOps, Afghanistan, China, Japan, Vietnam, Civil War, Persian Gulf War, Latin America, Radicalism, Czechoslovakia, Turkey and more. I am not going to be the president who saw Southeast Asia go the way China went. Newly inaugurated President Lyndon Johnson at a White House meeting on November 24, 1963 responding to U.S. ambassador to South Vietnam Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. telling him that Vietnam would go under any day if we dont do something.. They strive to turn some bad elements into U.S. agents that they use for the conquest of our country., The U.S. imperialists are expanding their war against national independence and peace in Vietnam. It was Kissinger who inaugurated the second front or home front of the war; illegally wiretapping the telephones even of his own staff and of his journalistic clientele. You cannot put a western mask on an eastern face." Nguyen Trung Tuc, Vietnamese resistance leader, 1860 Yet there was still a 'middle' group of people that thought the An estimated 2 million Vietnamese civilians were killed, and 58,000 US soldiers died in action. Just go to Scout or The Classic Catalog and do an author search (you'll need to use the drop-down menu by the search bar to change to author)for the president you're looking for (for example: "Reagan, Ronald"). We are not about to send American boys nine or ten thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves. President Lyndon Johnson in aspeech at Akron Universityon October 21, 1964, two weeks before the presidential election. Vietnam Veterans Against the War (VVAW) was founded in 1967 and quickly became one of the most visible antiwar groups of the 1960s and 1970s. - Tim O'Brien. The Vietnam War (also known by other names) was a conflict in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia from 1 November 1955 to the fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975. Evil Mentality Destroyed the Bush Presidency, The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss, and Long-term Health, Against US Aggression For National Salvation, From Saigon to Katum: Two Exchanges of War, Unwilling Warriors: Surviving the Vietnam War, Swift Sword: The True Story of the Marines of MIKE 3/5. In August of that year, the antiwar protests at the University of Wisconsin took an ominous turn; a bomb destroyed the building holding the Army Math Research Center, killing one young scientist . place in Vietnam or in the United States, from war to peace, to anti-war and pro-war protests. And we would shove them back into the Stone Age with Air power or Naval power - not with ground forces. "Cold War letters, treaties, dispatches and other primary sources, including documents relating to international crises, the roles of specific countries or areas, communist activities, notebooks of famous Russian leaders, as well as intelligence and military operations". A Viet Cong member reflects on its approach to war (1985) In those sources, Ho Chi Minh explained why the Vietnamese were fighting and that they wanted to be free and independent. The time has come when the United States, in our relations with all of our Asian friends, be quite emphatic on two points: One, that we will keep our treaty commitments but, two, that as far as the problems of internal security are concerned, as far as the problems of military defense, except for the threat of a major power involving nuclear weapons, that the United States is going to encourage and has a right to expect that this problem will be increasingly handled by, and the responsibility for it taken by, the Asian nations themselves.President Richard M. Nixon speaking at an informal press conference on Guam on July 25, 1969 setting forth what becomes known as the Nixon Doctrine. Their pornographic culture depraves the youth in areas placed under their control. Follow AzQuotes on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Hanoi Jane Fondas broadcast from North Vietnam (August 1972) An Australian press report on the Tet offensive (February 1968) Cross examination of Captain Ernest Medina (1970), Muhammad Ali explains his refusal to fight in Vietnam (March 1967) The focus of this historical dictionary is the deepening US military and political involvement in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia during the decades from 1945 to 1975. President Richard Nixon to White House Chief of Staff H.R. They are committing monstrous atrocities and crimes more odious than the Hitlerite fascists., As he expected, by nightfall those same four soldiers came back. As I see it, the time has come to look forward to an agenda for the future, to unify, to bind up the Nations wounds, and to restore its health and its optimistic self-confidence. They're not fighting for their homeland. Come home to the conviction that we can move our country forward.Senator George McGovern (D-SD) in his address accepting the presidential nomination at the Democratic National Convention on July 14, 1972. General Collections By entering your email and clicking subscribe, you're agreeing to receive announcements from CFR about our products and services, as well as invitations to CFR events. . And so tonightto you, the great silent majority of my fellow AmericansI ask for your support. President Richard Nixon in his address to the nation on the war in Vietnam on November 3, 1969. Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. I believe that within the next century, future generations will look with dismay and great disappointment upon a Congress which is now about to mistake such a historic mistake.Senator Wayne Morse(D-OR) on the Senates impending voteto adopt theGulf of Tonkin Resolution on August 7, 1964. They have come from a variety of sources, including letters held in the Memorial's Private Records collection and published sources. Dalton Trumbo Morning, War, Coffee To say that we are closer to victory today is to believe in the face of the evidence, the optimists who have been wrong in the past. Walter Cronkite in an editorial at the close of the CBS Evening News broadcast on February 27, 1968 reporting on what he had learned on a trip to Vietnam in the aftermath of the Tet Offensive. My solution to the problem would be to tell them frankly that theyve got to draw in their horns and stop their aggression or were going to bomb them back into the Stone Ages. General Curtis E. LeMay, in his book Mission With LeMay, 1965. Today, America can regain the sense of pride that existed before Vietnam. Ordinary intra-mural and extra-mural leaking, to such duly constituted bodies as Congress, was getting out of hand. Brings together a vast amount of information published by and about the United States Congress. we're going to bomb them back into the Stone Age. 1971. Viet Minh call to arms against the Japanese (March 1945) We know more about war that we know about peace, more about killing that we know about living. This collection of Vietnam War documents has been selected and compiled by Alpha History authors. The inauguration speech of Duong Van Minh (April 1975) Today marks another significant date in the Vietnam War: the fortieth anniversary of the. Votes: 1 George H. W. Bush Declare the United States the winner and begin de-escalation.Senator George Aiken (R-VT)offering advice to President Lyndon Johnson on October 19, 1966 on how to handle the politics of reducing the U.S. commitment in Vietnam. He wanted the North Vietnamese to leave their brothers in the South alone. "I refuse to believe that a little fourth-rate power like North Vietnam doesnt have a breaking point." Colonel Robert Heinl: The Collapse of the Armed Forces (1971) Come home to the affirmation that we have a dream. Primary Sources are original sources: they were created by someone who participated in or observed an event. We seem bent upon saving the Vietnamese from Ho Chi Minh, even if we have to kill them and demolish their country to do it. US Defence pamphlet: Know Your Enemy: the Viet Cong (March 1966) Book by Richard M. Nixon, 1985. Primary Sources - The Vietnam War - Research Guides at University of Alabama What are Primary Sources? Primary source translations that are in the Tricollege libraries will often be listed in Tripod under subject terms using the word "sources" or "autobiograph*" or "personal narratives." For example, the search Subject: sources AND (Subject: (viet OR vietnam*) produces books including: General Vo Nguyen Giap on why the US will lose in Vietnam (1966) War, Thinking, Vietnam 8 Copy quote Show source Movements are not radical. I learned that patriotism includes protest, not just military service. The Caravelle Manifesto criticises Diem and his regime (April 1960) John Kennedy waited for us on a hill in Arlington National Cemetery, and in time we came by the thousands to fill those slopes with out white marble markers and to ask on the murmur of the wind if that was truely the future he had envisioned for us., The chanting went on, the musicians giving in to the rhythm of their own being, finding healing in touching that rhythm, and healing in chanting about death, the only real god they knew., The Americans won't win. Alaska Newspaper Project more. Ho Chi Minh seeks Vietnamese independence in Paris (1919) Cross examination of Lieutenant William Calley (1970) How dare you bandits trespass on our land? Ho Chi Minh recalls his conversion to Leninism (1967) After attending his first Cabinet meeting he went back to his mentor Sam Rayburn and told him with great enthusiasm how extraordinary they were, each brighter than the next, and that the smartest of them all was that fellow with the Stacomb on his hair from the Ford Motor Company, McNamara. This is not a jungle war, but a struggle for freedom on. Was the architect qualified to design the memorial? Since 1931 Keesings has collected news reports on a daily basis from all over the world in a wide range of languages. However, the publications of the report that resulted from these leaks were incomplete and suffered from many quality issues . Old people still sit on their porches and talk, but their conversations aren't sprinkled with laughter anymore. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now. Declassified reports based on U.S. surveillance. FBIS is comprised of the collections from the Archives of the Central Intelligence Agency including government publications, magazines, newspapers and transcribed television and radio broadcasts. No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. There is nothing in the resolution, as I read it, that contemplates [sending American armies to Vietnam]. I believe this resolution to be a historic mistake. North Vietnam had alsoinvaded Laosin 1958 in support of insurgents, establishing theHo Chi Minh Trailto supply and reinforce the Viet Cong. The series, which began in 1861 under President Abraham Lincoln, contains books and documents from various Presidential libraries as well as different governmental agencies. [After the Frenchmilitary withdrawalfrom Indochina in 1954, the U.S. assumed financial and military support for the South Vietnamese state. He told the world that Americans would "pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship" in the defense of freedom. Huge archive of mostly personal items from the war, including documents, photographs, slides, negatives, oral histories, artifacts, moving images, sound recordings, Personal accounts, photos, letters, and recordings of American veterans of the Vietnam War, hundreds of photographs and documents cataloguing the history of protest and activism against war--particularly, the Vietnam War--among students, soldiers, and citizens, Photographs, textual, and other records from the National Archives related to Vietnam diplomacy, in country, the homefront, and post-conflict events, A compilation of hundreds of books, articles, and dissertations by Edwin Moise, professor of history at Clemson University, A Vietnam War reader : a documentary history from American and Vietnamese perspectives (ebook), Voices from the Vietnam War : stories from American, Asian, and Russian veterans, The other side of grief : the home front and the aftermath in American narratives of the Vietnam War, Primary source accounts of the Vietnam War, The soldiers' story : Vietnam in their own words, Winter soldiers : an oral history of the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Strange ground : Americans in Vietnam, 1945-1975, an oral history,, American Military & War Primary Source Collections, Rutgers Oral History Archives - Vietnam War, Indochina - Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos: A Documentary History, Michigan State University Vietnam War Primary Source Directory, Sam Houston State University Vietnam War Primary Source Directory, View a full set of search results for books of primary sources for the Vietnam War in the library catalog. Our long-term objectives are to see installed a self-governing nationalist state which will be friendly to the US We have an immediate interest in maintaining in power a friendly French Government, to assist in the furtherance of our aims in Europe. President Johnson and the Vietnam War Primary Source Analysis by Stephanie's History Store $4.00 PDF Compatible with Students read excerpts from 2 speeches by LBJ in 1964 and 1965 on American involvement in Vietnam, one anti-Vietnam War document, answer 29 questions, and complete up to 4 creative tasks. You can kill ten of my men for every one I kill of yours. A Viet Cong guerrilla tells of the Tet offensive (1968) Soon they will land on the plants in search of bollworm eggs. You have a row of dominoes set up; you knock over the first one, and what will happen to the last one is that it will go over very quickly. ISBN: 0810841835. Our objective in South Vietnam has never been the annihilation of the enemy. MSU has hundreds of government documents pertaining to the Vietnam War. Ho Chi Minh on founding the Inodchinese Communist Party (1930) [CDATA[ For it seems now more certain than ever, that the bloody experience of Vietnam is to end in a stalemate. $grfb.init.done(function() { Communism isn't sleeping; it is, as always, plotting, scheming, working, fighting.

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vietnam war primary source quotes