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| Report Response | Report Response Do you give them to her, and do you notify her parents?" | I was asked this question too, "What did you do this weekend? | I was asked this question too, "Why physician? | I was asked this question too, "Tell us about a crisis in your life and how you handled it." More from this Member What does he do for a living? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Who was that one person you touched in your volunteer experience? More from this Member | Report Response THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES OF OSTEOPATHIC MEDICINE (AACOM) PROGRAMS' HANDBOOK ALSO SPECIFIES THAT ONE YEAR OF ENGLISH COMPOSITION IS PREFERRED. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Do you think you can handle the stress of medical school?" | I was asked this question too, "What is electrofishing? Still waiting on them to mark my LOR as received (currently expecting).. submitted last week. School Reviews | I was asked this question too, "Since you have not shadowed a D.O. This is something that should be available to students, as many other colleges are offering this service. Have you ever seen OMM?" More from this Member Still waiting Interview invites started to go out at the end of July according to last years thread, I wonder if covid-19 will push that back this year or maybe even keep it around the same time schedule if they decide to do virtual interviews, which might be easier to set up. | Report Response Do you plan on practicing as a physician in the area?" Within this curricular format, CCOM students spend their first two years both completing a rigorous basic science curriculum and preparing for their clinical studies. | I was asked this question too, "How would you respond in an ethical sitatution? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What is the last book you read?" | I was asked this question too, "what DO? | I was asked this question too, "I write poems so the interviewer asked me: What inspires you to write poems? | I was asked this question too, "What do you do for fun?" Tuition is astronomical (2nd most indebted students behind Midwestern in Arizona, according to US News and World Report), support for board prep, matching advice, specialty mentorship is extremely limited. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "How much money does a chicken farmer make? More from this Member A lot about my background and activities." Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" More from this Member " Does he realize that he won't see you for two years? $(function() { Why medicine? Simply who are you, and how did you get here sort of questions. " More from this Member I want to do residency in Chicago or otherwise anywhere that will take me. More from this Member Students graduating from colleges of osteopathic medicine have the opportunity to apply to residency programs through the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). | I was asked this question too, "What came of your anesthesia research? | I was asked this question too, "How would you deal with a student who wasn't contributing to a project you were both working on?" | Report Response, "Actually address why we should come to the school beyond "reputation"" More from this Member More from this Member As scientists and practitioners of the healing arts, osteopathic physicians subscribe to a philosophy that regards the body as an integrated whole with structures and functions working interdependently. I got such a negative feeling from my in" I am not sure. More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member Euthenasia: a patient who is suffering request your assistance to end his/her life. | I was asked this question too, "Do you think you'll have a hard time getting back into studying? Sorry if this is a stupid question but can we list an osteopathic medicine student for the first question or does it have to be a physician? More from this Member More from this Member What are the cut offs? The score allows you to see if you are a competitive applicant at a given school. | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member I have heard from reliable sources that they actually paid a consulting firm to figure out the maximum tuition they can charge before people will stop applying. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "what are you passionate about?" | Report Response I haven't even received the secondary invite yet..but if you're having technical issues that's why! | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Describe a time you dealt with challenge" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to be a doctor? | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member As the 2021 cycle comes to a close, congratulations to everyone who has been accepted MD, DO, or MD/PhD! | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What experience have you had with DO (in long term prior career listed on my resume)? | I was asked this question too, "Provide an example of one patient that made a profound impact on you and your decision to enter medicine." More from this Member Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "If you could meet anyone, living or deceased, who would you meet and why?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why CCOM/Why osteopathic medicine?" The Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine (CCOM) educates osteopathic physicians to provide compassionate, quality care, promote the practice of osteopathic medicine and lifelong learning, research and service. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What do you think the most enjoyable aspect of medical school will be? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Can you think of an event or occurrence that you would like to have taken back, or regret?" OOS. How do you deal with him?" March 30, 2021 | Downers Grove, IL Midwestern University's Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine was ranked 17th overall for best medical school in the practice area of primary care by U.S. News and World Report. | I was asked this question too, "If the 14 year old daughter of your best friend came to you for birth control pills, what would you do?" | I was asked this question too, "Why CCOM? | I was asked this question too, "What is my stance on managed health care?" clinic." More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why Midwestern? | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why Medicine? | Report Response So far only one person on this thread has received an II? More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response You must log in or register to reply here. I lived in several locations because of work, which forced me to attend a few different schools during post-bacc. More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "If a friend's 15 year old daughter came to you and said she wanted BC pills, what would you do? " More from this Member How would that conversation go with her?" | I was asked this question too, "What patient in your volunteer experinces stood out to you?" | I was asked this question too, "Probably the ethical question." and why CCOM? How did you send in your LORs?? | I was asked this question too, "Why do you believe that CCOM will be a good fit for you?" | I was asked this question too, "After working with cancer patients, what are your feelings towards euthanasia?" More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "If you had a patient on an HMO who wanted to see a doctor (be referred to)not on the plan, what would you tell them?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me more about your research findings." | Report Response Osteopathic Medical School Discussions Prior Years. | Report Response Integration of SAP Cloud Transport Management into Application Lifecycle Management solutions Using alerting and technical ops automation for synthetic monitoring Monitoring, alerting and remediations on failed events in SAP Event Mesh Get Started With Support Welcome to Support! This year, the CCOM Class of 2022 had a successful Match season. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "You are a physician at a high school health fair. More from this Member How would you resolve this conflict?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What are you going to do if you get rejected?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "If you could be on any reality television show, which one would you pick and why?" | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What is the last book you've read?" | I was asked this question too, "(Piggybacking off Why DO answer) Generic question about patient autonomy / refusal of care" Some of the training programs are highly competitive and students vie to fill coveted spots. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "If you were a doctor on a rescue boat after hurricane katrina, and you came upon a house where two people were trapped in an attic and you could only save one, who would you save (25 yr fem. Its so exciting to be getting one step closer! Do you think of a topic and then write or does it come with flow?" In that time, our nearly 5,000 graduates have served in hospitals, medical schools, private practices, and government facilities across the country. What's your favorite author" | Report Response How would you speak to a parent who does not want to vaccinate their child?" | I was asked this question too, "A patient comes in with pain in there upper right abdominal cavity, whats there and what could be wrong?" More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member stop having 1st years give tours, they have no useful info." | I was asked this question too, "If you were representing the city of Boston, how would you describe it to me?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell us a little bit more about this activity (they have your resume and pick a few things to ask about)." | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What was a past academic challenge and how did you get through it?" | I was asked this question too, "How did a girl like you end up enjoying anatomy?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response that uses OMM, why would KNOWING OMM still be beneficial?" What would you do about it?" | I was asked this question too, "What was the last book that you have read? | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Do you have children?If your husband supportive? More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Which patient do you remember most from your mission trip?" | Report Response and why CCOM?" Why CCOM? More from this Member Below are the links to the tracker from last year along with a few other helpful spreadsheets. | I was asked this question too, "Ethical senecio, you are a M3 or M4 on a rotation and you notice a fellow classmate acting weird. | I was asked this question too, "What proteins did you find in your research?" More from this Member Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine- New York- Middletown (TouroCOM) 95.9 (5 yr) 8. | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why medicineand more specifically why DO?" More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response What do you do?" Hi all. More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "nothing really." More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "what question do you want us to ask you? " | Report Response You are using an out of date browser. More from this Member Curious if anyone knows anything unique about their curriculum or if they have academic "tracks" like some other schools? More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member 2) If your friends 16 year old daughter came in for birth control pills what would you do?" | I was asked this question too, "How do I deal with stress?" | I was asked this question too, "say you were watching tv and all of a sudden it goes black. Is that normal? | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Make a rubric that can allow you to assess your weakness" In general, MD and DO programs have similar curricula divided into four years. More from this Member Very high cost of attendance. Interview Feedback | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "If your state governor came to your school and had a few minutes to talk to you and some of your fellow students, what issues would you ask them about?" | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your masters program. | I was asked this question too, "What do you do to relieve stress?" It may not display this or other websites correctly. More from this Member 2021: 2020: 2019: 2018: 2017: 2016: 2015: 2014: 2013: 2012: 2011: 2010: 2009: 2008 . | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "If you could be any historical figure, who would it be and why?" More from this Member just received the secondary from there 2 days ago. The child's parents do not wish the child to receive the course of treatment you prescribe due to their religious beliefs. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member I called the office of admissions and they said that they are having issues across the board with their website, so the issue is on their end! More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "nothing too interesting. | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member They do not permit bypass surgery in anyone over the age of 65. | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why Osteopathic medicine and not allopathic?" More from this Member More from this Member All my letters were sent on AACOMAS. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your interest in DO program and how do you relate it to other alternative medicine practices in your country." | I was asked this question too, "What do you think about malpractice?" | I was asked this question too, "How do you think you will be able to handle the stress of medical school? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Let's say you've been treating a family for many years, and the daughter is now 15 and wants birth control, do you give it to her?" CASPer Required: No. | I was asked this question too, "why you wanna be a doctor." Screens Applications: Yes. | I was asked this question too, "From your experience volunteering at a hospital, is there any single patient that sticks in your memory and influenced you to pursue medicine?" There is a malfunction. | I was asked this question too, "How do you feel right now?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Literally read off resume and asked "tell me about this and that (from resume)"" The Software Defined Networking (SDN) goes back to a developed at Stanford University in 2005 concept. why medicine? " | Report Response Why should we pick you over other candidates. | I was asked this question too, "What was my favorite video game?" | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why DO?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Case scenario: you diagnose a potentially life-threatening illness in your patient, who is a child. All separate questions. | I was asked this question too, "I had a story about how I developed an interest in DO program. | I was asked this question too, "Why DO? | I was asked this question too, "Can Andy Roddick bring back men's tennis? | I was asked this question too, "WHy do you want to become a physician?" More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member Do they respond to emails or is it better to call? What the difference between allopathic and osteopathic?" | Report Response Or anything regarding the D.O. | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response i don't want them to think, that I think I am my own supervisor lol. | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What would you do if the 14 year old daughter of your best friend came to you for birth control pills?" | Report Response I though it was just the selection process for interviews after secondary submission. | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to be a doctor, osteopathic physician, and why CCOM?" The school's website is incredibly generic and I've had no luck finding any help in previous year's threads. More from this Member Program Director Rankings vs USNWR . | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Who are you? More from this Member | I was asked this question too, ""Why would you be a good fit here at CCOM?"" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tengo una amiga "name"que trabaja en la republica dominican, le concoces ?" (But when I told them they did not ask for an answer to it)" | I was asked this question too, "How do you deal with being a subordinate since you have been in so many positions of leadership?" I am working on the secondary application this week, however, I was not sure about these letters. | Report Response | Report Response, "Choose interviewers who are more responsive and receptive. What do you know about osteopathy?" | I was asked this question too, "At What age did you start thinking about becoming a Doctor? Where do I access the supplemental application? Verified 9 days ago and still haven't marked letters complete. | I was asked this question too, "3 problems in healthcare today?" | I was asked this question too, "What did i like about a specific science class i took in college last year which i mentioned in my CV." June 16th I got an email from the Office of Admissions about the school and at the end, the email said: Did you already submit the secondary application to see the status change from expected to receive? | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Who are you most like your mother or your father?" More from this Member vs "Why you?" What will he do if you move here?" | Report Response Why CCOM? that they only had a few months to live if the family begged you not to? | I was asked this question too, "If you could spend an Hour with someone, who would it be" " | I was asked this question too, "About the medical implications of Hurricane Katrina and how to prevent problems in the future" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "best friends 14 year old daughter needs birth control.. what do you do?" | Report Response | Report Response, "All I would suggest is lengthening the interview, even though it may add stress for students!" Whosh, didn't expect this one. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Nothing really that interesting." More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response Why CCOM?" What would you do?

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