In the United States, the blue racer is endemic to a portion of the Midwest, including: While most areas have seen population declines, populations in northern Michigan are thriving and even expanding! Depending on their range, they are known to have green, yellow and blue populations. It is the only true green snake in georgia, other green snakes native to georgia are more of an olive or darker green shades. They are found over virtually all of Georgia aside from the extreme south where it is replaced with the Florida brown snake. Here are some reasons to reconsider keeping a blue racer as a pet: Since blue racer snakes arent well-suited for captivity, most animals on the market are wild-caught. They eat mainly eggs but will consume small animals on occasion. If you need to move your snake for cage maintenance or a veterinary trip, follow its cues. At More Reptiles, our mission is to share trustworthy and helpful advice for keeping pet reptiles. For diet variety and stimulation, blue racers can also be fed the occasional grasshopper. Cart 0 Product . These hibernation groups can include over 100 snakes. Five of the six venomous snakes in Georgia have elliptical, slit-shaped pupils. Keep reading to learn where to find them, what they do, and more! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Reptile.Guide is the preferred educational source on reptiles favored by experienced herptologists and new owners alike. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to These rat snakes are a complex pattern of muted blue, gray and black with spots, stripes and mottling. In the cooler months Blue Racers will move to less-covered areas such as abandoned fields to soak up the sun. It smells terrible and is difficult to wash off. Juveniles tend to eat more insects due to their smaller size. They are not aggressive and only bite as a last resort. Tell us more! Choose your welcome treat! They are typically between 3 and 6 feet long and are typically some shade of gray. They prefer forested habitats but can be found in many habitats like fields or the margins of wetlands. Minimum Reproductive Age (Males): 11 Months, Minimum Reproductive Age (Females): 24 Months. The blue racer is a long slender greyish-blue snake reaching lengths close to two metres while some still surpassing that mark. They have light bellies with two rows of dark spots. In order to give you the best experience, we use cookies and similar technologies for performance, analytics, personalization, advertising, and to help our site function. Juveniles have dark bars that fade with age. The blue racers flighty nature leaves them prone to bumps, bruises, scrapes, and even broken bones. Plus, save 30% of the subscription price today. They are fairly large (adult size is 4-6 feet long), gray or blue with smooth scales. There are many feeder animal species in captivity that can help you replicate the varied diet of a wild blue racer. Side-striped palm pit vipers (Bothriechis lateralis) tend to become bluer as they age. They are seen more often than the other crayfish snakes and lack the bug-eyed appearance. Price $69.99. Anal plate is divided. They are found in nearly all freshwater habitats in the Coastal Plains region. The blue racer snake is one of the most attractive and easily recognizable racers. Racers like to have a lot of ground space in captivity. View . From proper husbandry and habitat guidance, to articles on health concerns, diet, and extensive care guides, Reptile Guide is here to educate everyone on all things reptiles. The blue racer is one of Ontario's largest snakes, reaching 90 cm to 152 cm snout-to-vent length (SVL). Blue racer snakes are aggressive and can strike from a long distance. Ticks are usually found with their heads buried under a scale. Black Rat Snakes and Fox Snakes both have weakly keeled scales and a nearly square cross section body shape, while the Blue Racer has smooth scales and a nearly round body. They are between 36 and 48 inches long with shiny black scales with white or yellow chain markings. Black Swamp Snake (Liodytes pygaea)Info & Pictures. Most individuals are wild-caught snakes that are then sold. The largest . Theyre known nest-raiders. This is because instead of being produced by a pigment, it has to be produced by specific skin structures. Blue Racer snakes are non-venomous but they have a lot of curved teeth that make for a painful bite. They eat small fish, amphibians, and leeches. In total there are over 45 known species of rat snakes Read More , Pastel Ball Pythons are vibrantly colored snakes perfect for beginners and experienced keepers. While your snake may survive without UVB, it certainly wouldnt thrive. Blue racers can be flighty so it is a good idea to provide multiple hiding places for your snake. They inhabit a wide range of habitats where they hide in leaf litter to ambush their prey. There are an estimated 50 species of blue snakes. The blue racer snake is one of the few species of blue snakes in the world. A blue racers first instinct is always to flee, and theyre pretty good at escaping. Substrates can include wood shavings (avoid pine and cedar), coconut fiber or paper towels. Young snakes can be found in temporary wetlands while adults typically move to permanent bodies of water. Supplements arent usually necessary for captive snakes. On their sides, the scales are vibrant and metallic ranging from silver to electric blue. Luckily, blue racers are non-venomous, and their musk isnt more than an inconvenience. They are between 24 and 48 inches and have large jowls that help set them apart along with a white interior to the mouth that they display when threatened. They are usually solid teal with two yellow horizontal stripes running the length of their bodies. Take full advantage of our site features by enabling JavaScript. They can be brown to tan with crossbands or little patterning. Everything Reptiles articles, care guides, videos and podcasts are intended to be used for a general nature only. They are rarely found far from water. Blue Racer Snake Size Blue Racer Snake Venomous Published on . Eastern Coral snakes are 18-30 inches and have red, yellow, and black with the red touching yellow. The glossy crayfish snake (Regina rigida) is found in the Coastal Plain. With hundreds of educational care guides covering the health, habitat, husbandry and behaviour of lizards, snakes, turtles, and more;we are here to provide anyone keeping or studying reptiles and amphibians with expert guidance. Males will combat other males for territory. Excessive dietary Vitamin D3 supplementation can lead to overdose and toxicity. Its best to use a wide, shallow dish that can aid in maintaining humidity and allow your snake to soak or swim. Their large eyes and round pupils are perfectly adapted for visually hunting in daylight. Like most racers the blue can be flighty and prone to biting. One major consistency is that blue racers do NOT thrive in areas with excessive human activity. Ruthven, A. G., H. B. T. Gaige, et al. Your best bet is to find a dedicated snake breeder thats working on this snake species. Floor space (length by width) is the primary dimension you should consider. Indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi) are a very dark blue snake. At worst snake bites may cause swelling and pain at the site of the bite. The smooth earth snake (Virginia valeriae) lives virtually all of Georgia aside from a small section in the southeast. (20% off), Sale Price 39.43 Amphibian & Reptile Best Management Practices for Michigan, Amphibians and Reptiles of the Great Lakes Region by Jim Harding. Sale Price 18.00 Their combination of blue hues is stunning and makes them one of the most beautiful of any North American species. There was a problem subscribing you to this newsletter. The blue racer is a long slender greyish-blue snake reaching lengths close to two metres while some still surpassing that mark. I live in central PA and found a baby Blue Racer I accidentally hit with my mower, but means there are more of them. Blue Racer Snakes in captivity are active hunters. Observe them for signs of stress or injuries daily. To enable personalized advertising (like interest-based ads), we may share your data with our marketing and advertising partners using cookies and other technologies. We've sent you an email to confirm your subscription. Blue racers particularly enjoy basking in direct sunlight, as long as there is nearby cover to race into. The copperhead (Agkistrodon contortrix) are found throughout most of Georgia aside from the south. These snakes are not picky eaters and will readily eat mice, locusts, lizards and frogs in captivity. Their first warning sign is a tail rattle that creates a buzzing sound, like the rattle of a rattlesnake. I decided to hold back a few babies to raise up for my breeding colony. Coral snakes are rarely seen since they are burrowing snakes. We hope this helped you learn more about the snakes of Georgia. Blue racers of all ages assist in population control of insects and mammalian pests. They spend most of their time hiding under cover but will climb trees. They prefer woodland habitats. A wild, hibernating blue racer snake would remain hidden in total darkness until Spring. They are typically 35-48 inches long but can max out at 72 inches. but it is protected in Georgia, making owning one likely illegal. This species can also have a bluish gray stripe behind their eyes. Blues grow to 36 to 60 inches in size and are easily identified by their metallic gray-green scales. They are up to 24 inches long and come in gray, reddish, or tan with dark blotches. Michigan Snakes. They prefer dry habitats and may be at risk of extinction. It is a subspecies of the well-known North American racer. }J+tpcY{]$$$W+M They are easily confused with the common garter snake but have no marking on the lip scales and a light bar in front of the eyes. They prefer open and semi-open environments that offer quick access to cover, like animal burrows or vegetation. View Options. These snakes live in a wide range of habitats. Blue racers are also listed as an endangered species to protect their limited habitat on Pelee Island in southwestern Ontario, where theyve been subject to significant habitat loss. They prefer moist habitats with plenty of ground cover. Upper labial (lip) scales are whitish or yellowish, as are chin and throat. Nostrils, vent, and mouth free of discharge, No pieces of stuck skin or discolored scales, Thin but well-muscled, spine and ribs are barely visible, Noisy breathing (clicking, rattling, rasping, hissing, gurgling). They can have very different colors depending on where the snake is from. The belly has a checkerboard pattern. Thanks to how secretive these snakes are, it is unknown what the actual population is. Ideal Light Cycle: 12 Hours Light / 12 Hours Dark. They are tan to brown with hourglass-shaped markings. You can unsubscribe at any time. The shape of the head is also significant. They also eat soft invertebrates. Rough earth snakes are burrowing snakes that eat earthworms almost exclusively. In the United States they can be found near the Great Lakes, from Minnesota to Southwestern Ontario and Indiana. They should be fed mice (either pinkies or adults) during the day. They are native to Southeast Asia. Overall tank temperature can be as low as 70F at night. They eat mammals, birds, and reptiles. It can be 35 to 60 inches in length as a full-grown snake. They are not venomous nor are they poisonous, which is a common myth. Since these snakes are visually-oriented hunters, offer prey thats alive and moving. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7b9d2ec08e7c3e4d Also known as the Malabar rock pit viper, they are native to India and highly venomous. A thin snake can be a sign of internal parasites especially if it is wild-caught. Blue eyelash vipers are solid cerulean blue, though some have a black or brown speckling. Nearly 6 feet long, with sky blue backs and pale yellowish green sides, underbellies and chins, Steely bluish gray with iridescent green and blue, Nearly 4 feet in length with steely blue backs, 36-60 inches long with light solid bluish gray bodies, cream-colored chins and dark gray bands across their eyes, 22 inches long, dark blue body with turquoise stripes, chin and lips, 3642 inches long with alternating black and blue bands, 2239 inches with red checkered sides and turquoise stripes, Small, with a solid teal body and the occasional black or brown marking, 5 feet long, pale blue or greenish-blue bodies with some yellow patterning, Thick dark indigo bodies with an orange chin and stripes, Teal base color with brown, black and white patterning on their backs and head, Bluish black body with bright cyan blue stripes and a red head and tail, A small, pale gray body with black irregular bands, Bright greenish blue bodies with yellow stripes on their sides, Pale grayish blue, sapphire, black and white, 6-7 feet long, pale blue with black and white patterning on the lower half of their bodies, 24-32 inches long with solid sky blue or teal bodies. They have light bellies with brown blotches and black crescents. Top 50 Ball Python Morphs: The A-Z Morph Color List, Prairie Kingsnake: Care Guide & Species Profile, 20 Most Popular Rat Snakes: Black, Texas, Eastern, Yellow & More, Pastel Ball Python Care Sheet: Complete Husbandry Guide, 20 Most Venomous Snakes: Deadliest Snakes Ranked By Venom, Red-Footed Tortoise: Everything You Need to Know. Blue Racer Snake (1 - 21 of 21 results) Price ($) Shipping Botanical Watercolor Print, Museum quality, Purple Lupine, Blue Racer Snake, Drooping Trillium, Forest Snail, Karner Blue Butterflies meadowsweetart (28) $23.03 More colors Blue Racer Scales Tough iPhone case, Snake Scales iPhone case, Blue Scales Phone Case LaGrangeArtistry (88) $29.75 Blue racers have excellent eyesight. Barons green racers (Philodryas baroni) are known for their bright green bodies and elongated nose. A snake in blue is one that is about to shed, regardless of body color. Still, its typically best to feed one appropriately-sized prey item per feeding. does not intended to constitute or replace professional veterinary advice. Egyptian False Cobra. Their excellent eyesight allows them to detect potential threats from a distance. This means they tend to have a restricted range. The green phase is the most common, but they are also brown, blue, black, yellow, and some mixtures such as blue and green. They are slender snakes that can reach up to 32 inches long. They live in woodlands and eat small prey like invertebrates, small snakes, lizards, and amphibians. You can change your preferences any time in your Privacy Settings. The striped crayfish snake (Regina alleni) is found only in the extreme south of Georgia. Click the snake pictures below to be taken to the corresponding list of reptiles available for purchase. Baby Blue Eye Lucistic Ball Python. Worm snakes stay under 13 inches long and live almost entirely underground. They do not tolerate being picked up. Price $134.99. Scientific Name: Coluber constrictor foxi They eat a wide range of prey but prefer toads. This snake has many possible colors, including brown, yellow, green and, most interestingly, blue. Your reptile veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics to treat the infection. They are under 22 inches long as adults and have a glossy black back with an unpatterned red belly. The dusky subspecies is typically dark, while the Carolina subspecies can be gray, lavender, tan, or even orange. They prefer forests with dry and sandy soil. It is rare for a bite to include enough venom to cause a reaction in humans. [1] Blue Baron's Racer Other Colubrid Baby/Juvenile Colubridae US$1,000.00 Sex: Birth: 10th August 2021 Diet: Frozen/Thawed Mouse Payments: PayPal Friends & Family, Venmo, Zelle, Apple Pay, CashApp, Cash, Bitcoin Shipping: 45.00-90.00 (Domestic) Animal ID: Bbar-7M First Posted: 04/28/22 Last Updated: 04/30/22 Glen Reptiles Folsom, California They are between 14 and 20 inches long and have short heads with large eyes. Click to reveal This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. This species has an extremely interesting color pattern that is more than just blue. Captcha failed to load. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. They have a black dorsal stripe that is thickest on the anterior and gradually vanishes posteriorly. They are brown to gray with keeled scales. Oliver, B.C., Canada) and not just at Point Pelee or Pelee Island in Ontario! Most lack venom entirely, but a few species have venom that cant harm a human. Rat Snakes For Sale - MorphMarket US & Canada - MorphMarket Shop Categories Stores Merchandise Resources Events Morphpedia Community About About Us News Features Ethics Support Get Help Pricing Captive bred animals from thousands of breeders worldwide. Scientists have already proven the benefits of UVB exposure for many captive snake species. They are under 24 inches long as adults and have a grayish background color that may be olive or brown in tone. This snake needs little introduction. Neonate racers will feed on crickets, beetles, and grasshoppers. The Florida crowned snake (Tantilla relicta) is only found in the extreme south of Georgia since they live mainly in Central and Northern Florida. Never house snakes of significantly different sizes together. After successfully mating, females lay their clutch in late June. There are thousands of snake species in virtually every color of the rainbow. They are listed as threatened in the wild. To make your snake comfortable you should try to mimic its natural habitat. Blue Malayan coral snakes ( Calliophis bivirgatus) are a dark bluish-black with a bright red head and tail. A. Despite their scientific name, Coluber constrictor, blue racer snakes dont constrict their prey. They prefer slightly cooler temperatures than other snakes with a high range ~85F. Young snakes are tan with irregular banding. Their prey choice and diet change over the course of the year. They have bands of red, yellow, and black with the yellow only touching black. They are small at only 7-10 inches long. They like to roam and will need quite a bit more space than a ball python or corn snake. Racers have a large home range that is about 0.4 square miles for females and 0.8 square miles for males. Snakes release musk from their cloacal scent gland as a means of self-defense. These snakes are very fast and can be skittish at times. 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