Ruth! Now I can really be afraid of everything. Should I bring her to a morgue Several people live around the Appalachian Mountains with their culture and traditions being moved from one generation to the other. To cure thrush, take a child to a person whos never seen his/her father. Birds hitting a window is bad luck. But, Baldness is a blessing. Finding a four-leaf clover means youll have good luck. Appalachian Folklore, Wives' Tales and Superstitions. (Irish). Anyhow, I just wanted to say thanks for sharing.Whitney Miracle. An account is needed for most books on the Internet Archive. There are still claims that the lights seen today are of the spirits of the Catawba women still searching. Today you can celebrate this mythical Appalachian monster at the Bigfoot Festival in Marion NC. hands were tough as shoeleather. The Wampus Cat (a.k.a. Some versions state that these are threatening creatures which were nocturnal and children were warned against saying the names. The Appalachian region is made up of several blended together cultures since the 18th and 19th centuries. Im more worried about people with cell phones stuck in their ear than black cats. Camp Near Taylorsville Johnson County Tennessee Nov 23rd 1862 Letter 2, Appalachian Sayings Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea, From the Archives: Spring of the Year When Granny was a Girl. Given that, this list might call some to your mind. Festivals, Folk. Jim says my presentation yesterday up in Kentucky was GREAT! Celebrating and Preserving the } Back when children sometimes had seizures, whether from epilepsy or other malady, there was a common belief that if a child has a fit, turn his shirt inside out and burn it. This action was thought to be a sure cure for fits. The Flatwoods Monster was first spotted on September 12, 1952, when a group of boys playing football in a field near the town saw a bright object streak across the sky and crash land on a nearby hill. While they may not be as widely practiced today, these myths and mountain folklore were passed down by countless generations. After reviewing the instrument's special musical features, the book describes some related instruments, and reveals . Im surprised I have not heard all the superstitions Etelene wrote about as my parents believed in all sorts of sayings. He always went in a side door at the loading dock. forms: { Photo by Tim Bertelink on Wikimedia. READ MORE: The 10 Best Haunted Houses inNorth Carolina. She even forced Betsy to break off her engagement with Joshua Gardner before eventually disappearing for good. To relieve migraines, cut your hair because its too heavy for your head. To release this curse, pinch a little and throw it over your left shoulder. To cure a headache, apply brown paper soaked in vinegar to the head. And when I passed by thee, and saw thee polluted in thine own blood, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live; yea, I said unto thee when thou wast in thy blood, Live., **Featured Image: by DimaDim_art at Pixabay. Other than the folklore of the Appalachian Mountain, there are more shocking superstitions that have been passed down by several generations. Then mama said If it sticks, the wish will come true. If clouds are low and fog lingers, rain will come. A rock with a hole in it brings good luck. If you spill salt, its bad luck. If a pregnant woman is scared by something, the baby will have a birthmark shaped by what scared her. It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants practiced by the early settlers of Appalachia. We need a remedy for hairy. If your nose is itching, it means company is coming. (function() { To cure thrush, the seventh son or seventh daughter will blow into the affected childs mouth. And why would I value folklore and disbelieve superstition? When the creature hissed at them, they fled. Had a friend ask me what was the meaning of a single drop of rain from a clear blue sky, I always heard it was the seventh of a seventh who never saw his alive and born with a veil over his face. If your arthritis acts up, itll soon rain. A dogs mouth is cleaner than a humans mouth. Its bad luck to put a hat on the bed. They could be found in the forests and known to scream and steal livestock. callback: cb I had not heard of some of these at all! While reported sightings of the colorful lights are known for their inconsistency, the lights are typically seen at night, especially after a rainfall. If a bad storm is coming, put a 2-edged axe into a stump facing the storm to ensure the storm goes around you. It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants . To support our blog and writers we put affiliate links and advertising on our page. Grandmother Joy. Your baby has to fall off the bed before their first birthday. P.s. The bright light made them weak, forcing them to flee into other parts of Appalachia for good. Required fields are marked *. The Ever Changing Sky Second Excerpt Selection, Test Your Knowledge of Appalachian English, The Ballad of Fair Margaret and Sweet William. If you drop a dish rag, youll have company. Treading on an ant nest will cause rain that day. 6. If the right, good things are being said. Maybe youve even sped up on a mountain road at night, thinking you see glowing red eyes in the woods? I decided to compile a list of these notions Ive heard throughout my life and share them with you. Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia | Blind Pig and The Acorn Appalachia, Folklore Folklore & Superstitions in Appalachia January 15, 2021 In my latest video I discuss folklore and superstitions. . We were always told growing up never sweep under a persons feet or they will never get married. Their eyes were supposedly so sensitive to the sun that they remained nocturnal, which is why theyre called moon-eyed.. For instance, settlers would share tales of Scottish haints and Irish fairies, then adapt them into Appalachian stories over generations. If you walk underneath a ladder, its bad luck. If you make fun of a sick person, youll get sick. If the wooly worm is yellow in the middle and brown at each end, the winter will be mild. had fallen in the hole overnight. Todays Guest Post was written by Ethelene Dyer Jones. The living room door, for a long time, opened to nothing. For us that cant wear wool, our feet would be itching so bad we wouldnt even notice the sore throat. And I agree with Kathryn Magendie, Of all the many aspects of this subject, the one which interests me most is the folklore of weather. event : evt, NOTE: Picture. Wont someone please spend some time in Appalachian historical societies and write from information gathered there? For more information on this infamous Appalachian monster, visit the Mothman Museum in Point Pleasant, where you can take a selfie with the massive Mothman statue displayed prominently outside. Never try to climb waterfalls or get close to a ledge to get a selfie. Ear ache? Deaths and births always come in threes. APPALACHIAN FOLKLORE GUIDE The Bell Witch Bigfoot The Brown Mountain Lights The Flatwoods Monster The Moon-Eyed People The Moth-man The Wampus Cat Appalachian Superstitions READ MORE: The 15 Best Fall Festivals in Georgia Bell Witch Signs, photo by BRad06 is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 1. It meant you'd have good luck all year. I have a few superstitions to add to the growing list. Letting an infant see themselves in a mirror before 1st birthday is bad luck Photo by U458625 on Wikimedia. *shudder* lawd! there was a grave dug the day before. This could have been so much more. Break a mirror seven years bad luck. The Bell Witch (who is thought to be a woman named Kate Batts) was supposedly cheated in a land purchase by John Bell, the patriarch of the Bell family. Water witches dowse with a divining rod (usually a limb from a tree shaped like a wishbone) and find water deep underground. Similar reports came in over the next few days, and the sensational story was soon picked up by the local newspaper. 'Appalachian Folklore: Omens, Signs and Superstitions' explores the historical and cultural evolution of the pioneers who first ventured into the Appalachian Mountains. Better safe than sorry, right? Killing a cricket (especially in the house) is bad luck. Id entered through the backdoor, where my grandmothers beautiful country wreath hung. His son, Drew Bell approached an unknown bird perched on their fence but it flew off and was of extraordinary size. A few weeks ago, I came home after a hasty, masked, social-distancing trip to the grocery store. The region, which reaches seven Southern states, is historically rich in folklore and superstition. If you spill salt, throw a pinch over your left shoulder so you wont have bad luck. Wear a buckeye in your bra to ward off rheumatism. And so with Since settling in the mountains in the 18th and 19th centuries, Appalachian people have developed a unique blend of cultures that has its own way of thinking. If someone opens a knife that person must close it. wring their necks for dinner. And I hope I never have a goiter lawd! Now Id call it bad luck if you didnt know about it and maybe if you did. Or use cages? I washed my hands all the way up to my arms for the standard twenty seconds, and then some, just because. Rubbing the head of a person with red hair is good luck. A redbird (Cardinal) visiting means happiness or good luck. My father used to mark heavy fogs in August on the calendar, expecting a hard winter or not, according to the fogs enumerated. } READ MORE: The 7 Best Caves & Caverns in North Carolina. Nickel: the visitor was in boot camp with the veteran. They are presented as historical information only.) My sister Miki has a goiter!! However, the killing of livestock attributed to the wampus cat might have been due to early intrusions of coyotes or jaguarundi. The Appalachian culture is widely known for its superstitions, myths, legends and folklore. a rabbits foot is lucky and will protect from evil spirits. Pink sky at nite sailor delight. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( If you have a clock on the wall or mantle that hasn't worked for a long time and it suddenly starts ticking, consider that a warning of impending death in the community. A wild bird in the house means someone's going to die. Its blooms are symbolic, representing the cross, thorns, and nails. The Mothman is a humanoid creature that was reportedly seen in the Point Pleasant area from November 15th 1966 to December 15th 1967 as per the West Virginia folklore. I have heard most of these superstitions, but then were heavily scots-irish and german around here too! Apr 10, 2023 4:06 PM EDT. Pink sky in the morning sailor take warning. Few wanted a spoon to fall. Though threatened by urbanization, the oral tradition of storytelling has been preserved by the tendency for southern men to gather to hunt, fish, and share their stories. READ MORE:The 15 Best North Carolina Mountain Towns to Visit. Appalachia Bare. Hang a mirror by the door to protect against evil. the scarcity of Pawpaw trees was thought to be a sign of the end of the world. (German), Spitting on a new baby will bring the child good luck. You never know when he might drop something on your head! Thanks for watching. Shows how much I know! Therefore, many ghost stories, songs, superstitions, and folk remedies considered "Appalachian folklore" can actually be traced back to places like Scotland or Ireland. Despite being a story about Cherokee people, the Wampus Cat folktale did not originate with the Cherokee people. Granny believes in the one about going out the same door you come in-and she follows it strictly! If theres a man up that ladder, I DEFINITELY wouldnt walk under it. k) Never give someone a set of knives as a gift. If you get shingles all around your body, you'll die. Well But his written account stated that he saw the lights at a consistent time every night, leading many people to believe he was actually seeing train lights in the distance. But neither of those chickens Photo by Tim Bertelink on Wikimedia. He assured me he was serious about the presentation. on: function(evt, cb) { Eat black eyed peas or collard greens with hog jaw on New Years Day. Work weeks are a wonderful annual tradition at the John C. Campbell Folk School. When a newborn smiles, angels are guarding him or her. I have seen that several times not in Appalachia but in the Ozarks. Expect catastrophe. If your left palm itches, youll receive money. 4.8 out of 5 stars 9. Locals and tourists alike have reported glowing, orb-like lights in blue, white, orange, and red, hovering approximately 15 feet off the ground in the Brown Mountain area near Morganton NC. Ethelene-Good stuff this morning. I am one of those that claim not to be superstitious but Ive been know to put an X on the windshield when a black cat crosses in front of me. When it was time for me to leave, I rose to exit out the front door. Hello Gary. As a general collection of folklore, it's not bad, but it lacks the specificity promised by the title. Unfortunately, this vibrant history is often preserved on vulnerable media. moved or flopped anymoreKen. All hosted affiliate links follow our editorial & privacy policies. If you were born in the good old mountains and hollers of Appalachia, you have been taught more than a few superstitions or old wives tales. I stopped suddenly (a movement that explains this particular memory) and asked him why. 1970 (F217.A65.W48) Glimpses of Southern Appalachian folk culture: papers in memory of Norbert F. Riedl. Shes known for standing on her hind legs and using her supernatural powers to drive her victims to insanity. Culture of Appalachia Photo by Bloodyboppa on Wikimedia. Karen, my dad had an employee who never went in the main entrance of their factory because it had 13 steps. These superstitions in these mountains are endless to say the least. Dream of a baby, someone you know will die. I was about 10, one Sunday our There was also a co-worker who did the black cat thing turn around and go a different route. Blind Pig The Acorn Get help and learn more about the design. This one you may have heard before. Forever left to wander alone through the mountains, the Wampus Cat acts out in anger at being cut off from her former life. I have heard quite a few of these, but not all of them. Links for Book One and Book Two. Celebrating and Preserving the It includes hundreds of whimiscal superstitions as well as folk cures, charms, and chants practiced by the early settlers of Appalachia. Dont let a pregnant woman see a dead person or the baby will have a birth mark. When you're exploring the wilderness, it's better to be safe than to be a statistic! It was invented by white people to justify their own beliefs in the lights that were seen from the Mountains. They are a legendary group of short, bearded white-skinned people who are believed to have lived in the Appalachia region until they were expelled by the Cherokee Indians. Much appreciated yall!! In the evenings, the tale states that Catawba women went to search for their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers using torch lights. Have you ever stopped yourself before walking under a ladder? 2nd I hope you enjoyed Ethelenes post as much as I did! Whew. Dont forget to stop at The Spot along the way, where youll find alien-themed sandwiches and Flatwoods Monster souvenirs. Sounds like youre between the devil and the deep blue sea., Do you stake your tomatoes? Id tease him & ask not superstitious are ya Dad? His reply would be no need to try it. However, the modern-day theory has been deemed to have been built on fictional aspects. Avoid these bad luck signs, if you can: If a black cat crosses the road while you are traveling, it is a harbinger of bad luck. Tipper (and Ethelene)Im fascinated by superstitions, although I prefer to consider them mountain folklore since a fair portion of them have some underlying factual basis. Joshua Gardner before eventually disappearing for good are symbolic, representing the cross, thorns and. Opened to nothing often preserved on vulnerable media, they fled hog jaw on new Years.! 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